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The College Application System

College Application Assistance at your Fingertips

.......all about the process.......

Home: Welcome

Who We Are

The CA System is an organizational plan designed to streamline the college application process which is time-consuming and complicated.  It provides you with valuable information, tips, templates, and suggestions. It walks you through the entire application process, can serve as an alternate form from expensive college counselors, or can complement their services and expertise.

Why Us?

Welcome to The CA System.  It is essential for college bound students to get a jump start on the application process.  The  process is challenging, tedious, time-consuming, and stressful.  Competition among students vying to popular universities continues to rise.  In addition, the student pool is larger as there are  more “college ready” students, students are applying to additional schools, and because of increased financial aid and budget cuts admission to your top school choice is that much more difficult. 

The Value of The CA System

The CA System facilitates the entire application process and will make your life less stressful and easier.  Each section is introduced with a description of their purpose and importance.  Take time in getting familiar with each document.  You will quickly see how detailed each one is.  Keep your records current with modifications and updates.  Please read the “Application Overview” and “Reminders, Information and Tips.” I highly recommend reading these first.  They lay out the groundwork for you.

Home: Services

Impact of COVID-19

The college admissions process is more competitive and complicated because of COVID-19 and has caused a multitude of disruptions for all colleges and universities.

COVID-19 has caused major confusion in higher education. Colleges and universities have been thrown into uncertain waters as they are forced to convert some of their courses to on-line only,  They are also struggling with a myriad of other issues, both currently and in the longer-term, for college admission.   In addition, high school students and their parents may be wondering how this affects SAT/ACT entrance exams, campus tours, Early Decision/Early Action, financial aid, as well as other important components of the application process.

Detailed specifics, current updates, and how this impacts you and the application process is integrated throughout The CA System package.  You need to be aware of the new guidelines in order to present a stronger and more comprehensive admission application package.

Look at what you can do “in spite” of the circumstances.  Hopefully, there will be grace and understanding as we navigate through all of these changes.

Home: About Me


Home: Testimonials

After attending “College Night for Parents” at my daughter’s high school, I was shocked at the amount of work ahead of us in getting her applications completed. She was anxious and unsure of how to approach this time-consuming process.  The school counselors told us what needed to be done but gave us little to no directions on how to get it completed. 
The CA System provided us with the guidance we needed.  The detailed forms are comprehensive and the information and suggestions are inclusive.  The templates are easy to use, detailed in every respect, and were a complete guide for her and for me to follow.  For any parent that is actively involved in gathering personal information, four years of high school classes and grades, school activities, athletics, community service hours, employment, and  the myriad of other information necessary to complete the application, The CA System proved to be an invaluable tool and eased us through each application with great efficiency.
Jen Baker – 
Vanderbilt class of 2018

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